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HIFIS Community

Welcome to the HIFIS Community! Here you can meet other HIFIS-users from across Canada and share your knowledge.

16 members
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BFZ Group Photo
Fri, Sep 27 · 10am EDT
HIFIS Community Call
BFZ Group Photo
Fri, Oct 11 · 10am EDT
HIFIS Community Call
BFZ Group Photo
Fri, Oct 25 · 10am EDT
HIFIS Community Call
Tue, Oct 29 · 8:30am EDT
CAEH 2024
Tue, Oct 29 · 10:15am EDT
DHS1: A roadmap for using data to end homelessness
CAEH 2024

Updating to 60.4 is slow

I just updated my database to 60.4 and it took ages. Over 17 minutes for a database with only 14 clients. I noticed in the log files that it was because the script is re-running the determine chronicity status, which it probably doesn't need to do.


New "Get New Reports" right causes some additional unintended access

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Configure a CUSTOM report to only be visible at one Service Provider.

  2. Grant a user access to ONLY a service provider that is not the one selected above. Give them rights that include Log On, Display Reports, Generate Reports, and View Report Manager (but no other rights in the Report Manager category)

  3. Log in as that user. Go to the Report Manager and attempt to locate the report.

  4. Report should NOT appear, as expected (this is good)

  5. Now, modify the same user account and gran…

Ali Ryder STAFF

Fixed in

HIFIS is out

New version of HIFIS is out and the release notes are saying big changes related to activity and inactivity. Here's the summary:

  • Inactivity Threshold is now mandated/locked to 90 days and this cannot be modified

  • Date of activity is based on service date, not date it was entered

  • Clients remain active every single day that a Case file or Housing Placement record are open

  • Appointments, consent, and turnaways now count as activity


Reminder: Community Call tomorrow!

@Everyone Just a reminder that tomorrow's bi-weekly community call is at a new link location. Here's information about the event: https://www.acreconsulting....

How to find Session Time-Out Limit in HIFIS

Go to your HIFIS.Web\web.config file and search for the following text:

<sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="##" />

The timeout="##" is where you put in the value, in minutes, like timeout="20"