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HIFIS Community

Welcome to the HIFIS Community! Here you can meet other HIFIS-users from across Canada and share your knowledge.

42 members
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BFZ Group Photo
Fri, Apr 4 · 11am EDT
HIFIS Community Call
BFZ Group Photo
Fri, Apr 18 · 11am EDT
HIFIS Community Call
BFZ Group Photo
Fri, May 2 · 11am EDT
HIFIS Community Call
Wed, May 7 · 9am EDT
Built for Zero Learning Session May 2025
Thu, May 8 · 9am EDT
Built for Zero Learning Session May 2025

Community Call Summary

First call in a while, since the last one was cancelled. This week we had about 12 people. Here were some highlights:

  • Transitional housing - if a client moves in to housing for only a couple days, is there a way we can record this but not count it as a transition to housing?

  • Veteran confirmation - North Bay's VAC office told them they needed a SIN number to confirm veteran status, which is of course a big challenge

  • CAEH innovation funding - lots of communities applying and crossing their fingers

  • Immigrations & refugees - funding available through the Interim Housing Assistance Program, lots of discussion about data needs

No community call on March 7

Due to March Break, there will be no one around to chair the meeting, so we decided to postpone until March 21.

Community Call Summary

Welcome to our new participants from the West coast in Red Deer, Grande Prairie, and Whitehorse!

Today we talked about:

  • APIs and data linkages - lots of partners assume that HIFIS already talks to other systems (like SAMS). Ali does a little overview of what an API is, talked about send/receive functions, and how the software on both ends would need to have an enabling piece to allow this

  • Case Management Sessions - Discussion from Red Deer and Chatham about Case Sessions.

  • Activity statuses - i…

New time for community call

Hey @Everyone , starting on Feb 21, our Friday meeting times will be adjusted to 11:00am EST to better accommodate our West coast friends.


Community Call Summary

Slow start today, but the conversation really ramped up. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Transitional housing: housed or homeless? We discussed how there was a spectrum of different ways that transitional housing could look, but in HIFIS, we have to make the binary decision of "homeless or housed."

  • Who ultimately gets to decide what the community's prioritization criteria are? The CE gets the funding and is ultimately responsible, but the …

Community Call Summary

Popular meeting today!

  • Matt from Nipissing did a demo of his Tableau dashboard and there were lots of questions and interest

  • Alysia talking about next steps and challenges in BC

  • Rhea talking about sharing documents over Sharepoint

  • Some discussion, hopes and dreams about the new version of HIFIS