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HIFIS Community

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Fri, Jan 24 · 9am CST
HIFIS Community Call
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Fri, Feb 7 · 9am CST
HIFIS Community Call
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Fri, Feb 21 · 9am CST
HIFIS Community Call
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Fri, Mar 7 · 9am CST
HIFIS Community Call
BFZ Group Photo
Fri, Mar 21 · 9am CDT
HIFIS Community Call

Community Call Summary

Quiet day today - about 10 people, but not a lot of updates because of the holidays.

  • How are move-ins counted when there was an unknown period? We talked about the "grace period" concept for short gaps. Some discussion about the new inflow/outflow report

  • Data dashboards Matt Wolf in Nipissing is going to do a demo next time!

Community Call Summary

Surprisingly good turnout today despite it being the last Friday before everyone is off for the winter holidays.

  • Ontario encampments reponse: Service Managers were recently notified about funding available for temporary housing for individuals in encampments, but proposals are due in early January. Service Managers required to submit a pledge that the money will be used to help end encampments. Also some unrelated funding for HART Hubs.

  • New version in Q1 2025: lukewarm response. A lot of peopl…

Alternative Assessment Tools

HIFIS supports the VI-SPDAT (v3), the SPDAT (v4), and the VAT as assessment tools - that means they are included in the Coordinated Access module. However, some communities are seeking alternative assessment tools. Let's try to come up with a list of those that we can think of!

Community Call Summary

I missed last time, but apparently they met without me! Today was well attended and we had a good chat.

  • Lots of meetings - we had some discussion about the most and least useful regular meetings that people are regularly attending.

  • Police requests - what do communities do when there's a missing person report, for example, and the police are looking for information?

  • AOC3 - how should this be handled in HIFIS?

    • Assessments - it's okay if you have a VI-SPDAT/SPDAT/VAT, but some communities use c…

Community Call Summary

Quiet group today, I think we were all feeling a little subdued about this week's news from down south. Still, we had some good discussion:

  • PIT Count - people are using HIFIS Lite but it's really challenging because it's a shared database. So data analysts can't directly access their data via SQL queries, and there are some limitations with the data export feature.

  • Multiple meetings - there was some discussion about how there might be too many community meetings out there - community of practi…

Takeaways from #CAEH24

So long, Ottawa! Here are my highlights for the year:

  1. @Geoffrey Messier, as always, had a really accessible presentation about why you shouldn't spend lots of money on a fancy AI model, when humans are awesome, and it's not that hard to do the same thing in an Excel spreadsheet. You can actually watch a recording of his presentation, and he recorded a tutorial about building a spreadsheet that would predict who will become chronically homeless, too.

  2. Blue Door, a homeless-serving organization i…


Thank you for writing this! Helps the HIFIS Nerds like myself deal with the FOMO- haha!