Community Call Summary

Today was a super lively conversation! Here are some of the things we discussed:

  • PIT counts are on everyone's mind! But in order to run the fall 2024 PIT count, your HIFIS instance must be on This is an issue because it also introduces significant changes to how activity works, and it feels really fast to have to update immediately without testing the impacts, just to do a PIT count.

    • Another option is to gain an instance of HIFIS Lite, or just put your data into a spreadsheet and export it to HICC that way.

  • Lots of communities are testing 60.4, and seeing some unusual behaviour. Clients showing up as active despite not having a service in 1800 days. We're not sure if this is a bug or undocumented intended behaviour.

  • Had some discussions about Attestation, which was modified in 60.3. Now, Attestation expires after a while and you have to re-attest. But there seem to be some issues with people having to attest multiple times in the same day for the same client.

  • There was also some discussions about RROL reporting

  • One of our newest members wanted to know about communities' top challenges related to data quality. The answer? Complete Housing History was up there, along with duplicate client files and permission to merge files.

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